We are excited to announce that the José Feliciano: Behind This Guitar Film will be featured at the Tower Theatre in Miami beginning Friday, August 19.
Visit your preferred Feliciano social media platform and comment on your favorite José recording for a chance to win a pair of tickets to the exclusive Red Carpet Premiere on August 20!!
...and THAT's just the beginning !! Stay tuned as Jose Feliciano: Behind This Guitar- the Film is about to break out and give the world a front row seat on
the Life and Legacy of the incomparable Jose Feliciano!

Admirado José. Soy fanático de tu música desde 1969. vivo en España y he ido a tus conciertos siempre que has venido por aquí. Me gustaría ver el documental sobre tu impresionante vida, pero ignoro si saldrá en DVD o BluRay. Siempre estoy pendiente de Amazon por si suena la flauta. Espero poder verlo algun día. Te deseo larga vida junto con tus seres queridos